Brandywine alumna flourishes in engineering career

杰奎琳·多姆索恩(Jaclyn Domsohn)从实习变成了全球公司CTDI的全职员工
A person stands next to an engineering machine.

bck体育官网的校友杰奎琳·多姆索恩(Jaclyn Domsohn)于2021年获得工程学学士学位,现在是CTDI的机械工程师.

Credit: Bill Tyson

MEDIA, Pa. — In high school, 杰奎琳·多姆索恩(Jaclyn Domsohn)不确定在大学里要学什么,也不确定要从事什么样的职业. 她知道自己喜欢数学和物理,但从没想过工程学.

多姆索恩说:“我觉得我不像现在很多女性那样接触工程学。. “But engineering has a lot of math and physics. 当我开始上第一节课的时候,我意识到这是我一直喜欢的东西. 我一直都很喜欢设计和建造一些东西,我就这么一见钟情了.”

After graduating from Coatesville Area Senior High School, 多姆松就读于bck体育官网,并于2021年以优异成绩毕业,获得工程学学士学位. 她现在是CTDI移动部的机械工程师, a global company in the communications, mobility and consumer devices service industries.


“我接触了很多不同的工程学科. I really loved that there was such a focus on design, because it's so applicable to what I do, and I think to almost any engineering role,” she said. “这为我们在设计过程中不断努力并完善这些技能奠定了坚实的基础. We had great professors who were so helpful and knowledgeable.”

I really loved that there was such a focus on design, 因为它非常适用于我所做的事情,它帮助我建立了一个坚实的基础,让我不断地在设计过程中工作,并完善这些技能.

——jaclyn Domsohn,bck体育官网校友,CTDI机械工程师

在多姆松的工程项目中,最引人注目的是她在大四时与一组学生合作的顶点项目. 她说,他们与一家工程咨询公司合作,他们的任务是开发一种非接触式设备,通过检测婴儿是否呼吸来帮助防止婴儿窒息.

她说:“我们最终得到了一个工作原型,它的表现和我们预期的一样。. “So that was a really, 将项目从客户需求发展到最终原型是非常有益的经验.”

三位给她留下深刻印象的教授是伊凡·埃斯帕拉戈萨, now assistant dean for curricular innovation and program assessment in the College of Engineering; Sally Richmond, assistant teaching professor of engineering at Penn State Great Valley; and Charles Helou, professor of mathematics at Penn State Brandywine.

“我喜欢埃斯帕拉戈萨对工程和学习的热情,”她说. "He made those 8 a.m. early classes exciting.”

她补充说,她记得里士满,因为她对每个学生的既得利益,以及她作为顶级顾问的角色. And Helou, for whom Domsohn was a teaching assistant, 鼓励她成为白兰地酒大学STEM实验室的同伴导师.


多姆松原本计划在CTDI完成她的实习,但这次大流行使她的计划泡汤了. Instead, 她在bck体育官网完成了实习,作为一个团队的一员,完成了一份土地测量无人机的报告和设计概念. Immediately after graduating, though, 她得以在CTDI实习,获得了一些额外的技能和经验.

“After I had graduated, I felt like I had missed out on that in-person, hands-on experience from a professional internship, so I reached out to CTDI to ask about opportunities,” she said.

在实习期间,她专注于重新设计一个现有的系统来测试电视遥控器. 她得到了一个测试器,以及一些修改和改进的建议. 她制定了一个设计变更计划,其中包括工程的各个方面. 尽管该公司的制造团队通常构建系统, 她自己做了一部分构建来学习和熟悉它.

Domsohn said the internship, 其中包括职业探索和简历制作的课程, 她在2021年8月获得CTDI全职职位的关键是什么. She started on a robotics team in the Mobility Division, which included designing robotic systems for testing devices.

As part of the Mobility Division, Domsohn works with a team of development engineers to design, create and build new testers for various consumer electronics, including mobile phones.

“我经常与电气工程师一起确定测试设备所需的组件. Then I focus on designing fixtures, motion systems and frames needed within the system,” Domsohn said.

“I really like how diverse what I work on is,” she said. “我们总是有新项目、不同的设备、新客户. And I think the best part is that it's ever-changing. It's not just the same thing over and over. We're always innovating.”

“I've worked on many projects already that have been developed, qualified and shipped out to our production,” she added. “That means it's out there. It’s having an impact, which is great. 看到我帮助创造的东西问世,知道我参与了它的开发,这本身就是一种成就.”

Domsohn said that, as a former student and now as an employee, 她对CTDI和bck体育官网公司之间的牢固关系印象深刻.

“看到CTDI和bck体育官网之间的联系是非常酷的, especially Penn State Brandywine, continue to grow,” she said. CTDI是2022-23学年bck体育官网工程顶点项目的赞助商之一. 多姆松能够与莫·内贾德一起充当顶尖级导师, CTDI工程总监,bck体育官网白兰地酒顾问委员会成员. “所以这对我来说是一个有趣的完整的循环时刻,因为我两年前完成了自己的顶峰.”